Comprehensive Analysis of Forest Fire Detection using Deep Learning Models and Conventional Machine Learning Algorithms



Forest Fire Detection, Deep learning, Machine Learning, Object Detection, Convolutional Neural Networks


Forest fire detection is a very challenging problem in the field of object detection. Fire detection-based image analysis have advantages such as usage on wide open areas, the possibility for operator to visually confirm presence, intensity and the size of the hazards, lower cost for installation and further exploitation. To overcome the problem of fire detection in outdoors, deep learning and conventional machine learning based computer vision techniques are employed to determine the fire detection when indoor fire detection systems are not capable. In this work, we propose a comprehensive analysis of forest fire detection using conventional machine learning algorithms, object detection techniques, deep and hybrid deep learning models. Experiment results demonstrate that convolutional neural networks outperform other methods with 99.32% of accuracy result.




How to Cite

KUKUK, S. B., & KİLİMCİ, Z. H. (2021). Comprehensive Analysis of Forest Fire Detection using Deep Learning Models and Conventional Machine Learning Algorithms. International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 7(2), 84–94. Retrieved from



Research Article